My brothers and sisters in Christ,
I write to you with hope that you receive this letter with an understanding heart. After much prayer and thought, I have informed the bishop of my resignation from the priesthood.
Many have advised to wait until the current situation has passed before making this decision, but the toll of the last several months has burdened my priesthood beyond repair. Furthermore, there has been no communication with me from the FBI, and this situation can go on for years with no end in sight.
I have been deeply wounded by the rumors, gossip, and irreparable damage to my name and integrity caused by this situation. Despite the eagerness to continue serving the Church, it would be inauthentic to continue to serve you in my current capacity.
In prayer, God has revealed that there may be another plan for me because of the peace and happiness in my heart with this decision. I will always remain close and faithful to the Chaldean Church and hope to continue to serve in many other ways. I am genuinely thankful to God, the Chaldean community, and to everyone for their unconditional love, support, and prayers over these past years. I pray for our continued growth and love for Christ and His Church.
May God bless you and our Church!
Save me a seat next to you at Mass!
Read Message from Bishop Francis Kalabat |