Protecting God's Children Workshop

13jul6:30 pm9:30 pmProtecting God's Children WorkshopSt. Joseph Church

Event Details

It is our policy that any clergy, church staff, or volunteer who come into contact with children, elderly, and other vulnerable persons, must comply to a criminal background check and take part in our three-hour Protecting God’s Children (PGC) workshop. The training program offered by our diocese is the Virtus Program.

IMPORTANT: Click the button below to register. When asked to select your Archdiocese/Diocese/Religious Organization, you must select “Chaldean St. Thomas the Apostle U.S.A. (Diocese)” as your diocese.

(You must be 18 years or older to attend. Please bring valid drivers license or ID with you to the workshop.)
For questions, call Jonathan Francis at 248-223-7649.

Health Guidelines for this Event

Masks Required
Physical Distance Maintained


July 13, 2021 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm(GMT-05:00)


St. Joseph Church

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