Learn The Chaldean Language
learn chaldean language
chaldean language CLASSES
- First grade, reading and writing Chaldean (Aramaic) language class, will be held at Sacred Heart church, 30590, Dequindre Rd. Warren, 48092. (S of 13 mile rd.) To register please report to Shamasha Samir at the church on Oct. 3rd, at 6:30 pm.
- Second grade, reading and writing Chaldean (Aramaic) language class, will be held at Sacred Heart Church, 30590 Dequindre Rd. Warren, 48092. To register please report to Shamasha Yousep at the same location on Oct. 3rd, 6:30 pm.
- The next Shamashe/Shamashyatha preparation course will be starting Thursday, October 13th, at 6 pm, at Holy Martyrs Church, Room #11. It will include various hymns from Taqsa, Slotha D-Sapra (Morning prayers) and Christmas Ramsha (Evening prayers). This class is for deacons who need to learn Arabic, English & Chaldean mass.
Reading Aramaic is not a requirement
The material will be available in both Aramaic as well as English transliteration. Contact Shamasha Kais Younan for any questions. To register, please text him your name, Phone Number, Address, and email to (248) 217-9064.
Chaldean Language Lessons
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