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09jul(jul 9)5:30 pm11(jul 11)3:00 pmSilent Retreat"Be still and know that I am God" -Psalm 46
Led by Rita Bazzi, Fr. Perrin Atisha, and Fr. Anthony Kote-Witah, OFM Capuchin. ECRC’s Silent Retreat is a time to disconnect from the world and the noise of life
Led by Rita Bazzi, Fr. Perrin Atisha, and Fr. Anthony Kote-Witah, OFM Capuchin.
ECRC’s Silent Retreat is a time to disconnect from the world and the noise of life to find God in the silence. The retreat is led by Sisters, Priests, Seminarians and lay people. Those in attendance have the opportunity for one on one spiritual direction, as well as time for guided meditation, adoration, and prayer. Confessions and Mass are available throughout the weekend. Come and find rest in the Lord as you encounter Him in the silence.
Cost: $300
July 9, 2021 5:30 pm - July 11, 2021 3:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
St. Paul Passionist Retreat Center
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