Morning Prayer

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Opening prayer: O Loving, Compassionate and Merciful One, Who welcomes all who repent and who ever calls sinners to come near Him in penitence, open, our Lord and our God, the door of mercies to our prayer; receive our request and answer in Your mercies our petitions, from Your rich and overflowing treasury; O You Who are good and Who never stops His mercies and gifts to the needy and afflicted, Your servants, who call on You and beseech You, at all seasons and times, O Lord of all.

(Psalm 100)

Glorify the Lord, all the earth. O Giver of light, we raise glory to You, O Lord: Glorify the Lord, all the earth ☼ Serve the Lord with gladness ☼ Come before Him with joyful song ☼ Know that the Lord is God ☼ our maker to Whom we belong ☼ Whose people we are ☼ the sheep of His flock ☼ Enter the temple gates with praise ☼ its courts with thanksgiving ☼ Give thanks to God, bless His Name ☼ good indeed is the Lord ☼ Whose love endures forever ☼ Whose faithfulness lasts through every age ☼ Glory be… From the beginning… Glorify the Lord, all the earth. O Giver of light, we raise glory to You, O Lord. Let us pray, peace be with us.

(Psalm 91)

You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High, Glorious is Your hope, O Christ, our Savior: You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High ☼ who abide in the shadow of the Almighty ☼ Say to the Lord “My refuge and fortress, my God in Whom I trust” ☼ God will rescue you from the fowler’s snare ☼ from the destroying plague will shelter you with pinions ☼ spread wings that you may take refuge ☼ God’s faithfulness is a protecting shield ☼ You shall not fear the terror of the night ☼ nor the arrow that flies by day ☼ nor the pestilence that roams in darkness ☼ nor the plague that ravages at noon ☼ Though a thousand fall at your side ☼ ten thousand at your right hand ☼ near you it shall not come ☼ You need simply watch ☼ the punishment of the wicked you will see ☼ You have the Lord for your refuge ☼ you have made the Most High your stronghold ☼ No evil shall befall you ☼ no affliction come near your tent ☼ For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways ☼ With their hands they shall support you ☼ lest you strike your foot against a stone ☼ You shall tread upon the asp and the viper ☼ trample the lion and the dragon ☼ Whoever clings to me I will deliver ☼ whoever knows My Name I will set on high ☼ All who call upon me I will answer ☼ I will be with them in distress ☼ I will deliver them and give them honor ☼ With length of days I will satisfy them ☼ and show them my saving power ☼ Glory be… From the beginning… You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High, Glorious is Your hope, O Christ our Savior: Let us pray, peace be with us.

Prayer: Glorious, my Lord, is the great hope of Your Divinity and high and exalted is the wondrous refuge of Your Majesty; all who hope in You, trust in You, call on Your holy Name and beseech You, at all seasons and times, shall not be ashamed, O Lord of all; Father Son and Holy Spirit forever.

(Psalm 150)

 Praise God in His holy place ☼ praise Him in His mighty heavens ☼ Praise Him for His powerful deeds ☼ praise His surpassing greatness ☼ praise Him with sound of trumpet ☼ praise Him with lute and harp ☼ Praise Him with timbrel and dance ☼ praise Him with strings and pipes ☼ praise Him with resounding cymbals ☼ praise Him with clashing of cymbals ☼ Let everything that lives and that breathes give praise to the Lord ☼

Martyrs Anthem

In the morning You will hear my voice, O Lord: At morning time, when the doors on high are opened to prayer, receive, our Lord, our pleading and respond to our petitions in Your mercies. Grant hope and salvation to the souls who wait for You. And in the morning I will be ready and will appear before You: The morning of our Lord arrived and suddenly our Savior is revealed and gives a just reward to the righteous. Blessed is he who has prospered, worked in the vineyard of Christ and has received his reward abundantly.

Final Prayer

 Glory to You Jesus our conquering King, the brightness of the Eternal Father, begotten without beginning, before all times and beings; we have no hope and expectation unless it is You, O Creator. By the prayer of the just and elect who have been approved by You from the beginning, pardon our sins, forgive our offenses, deliver us from affliction, answer our requests, bring us to Your brilliant light and protect us by Your living Cross, from all harm hidden and manifest; now ♱ and at all times and forever.