Home School Co-Op Registration HOME CO-OP REGISTRATION PLEASE REGISTER BELOW Step 1 of 7 14% Have You Completed the Application and Interview Process(Required) Yes No Please go to this link if you have not completed the application and interview process. Home School Application Information Mother's name(Required) First Last Father's name(Required) First Last Email (To use for all of communication)(Required) Mother's Cell(Required)Father's Cell(Required)Which Church Will You Be Homeschooling With(Required) Sacred Heart Chaldean Church - Monday & Wednesday 1030am-130pm How Many Children Will Be Registered ($50 per family)(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of Child 1(Required) First Last Name of Child 2(Required) First Last Name of Child 3(Required) First Last Name of Child 4(Required) First Last Name of Child 5(Required) First Last Name of Child 6(Required) First Last Mailing Address(Required) Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code What church are you a registered parishioner at?(Required)Children's names, age/grade for Fall 2024 and last sacrament received. Please only include children who will be attending co-op days. Older children not attending do not need to be listed.(Required)Have you taken the Virtus training (Protecting God's Children) within the past 7 years?(Required) Yes No Not Sure Please describe anything additional we may need to be aware of (ie., allergies, behavior issues, additional children, comments, and/or questions).(Required)Please type in NONE if nothing additional Statement of Faith Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool is a Catholic organization of families that educate their children at home. Please thoroughly read our Statement of Faith. We believe Christ is the source of all knowledge and truth, therefore Catholic doctrine, morals, and culture will be a core part of all classes with the Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool. Membership in this organization requires that each family fully agree with and abide by the statement below. I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through Him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation, He came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate, He suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and His kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one holy, Catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and life of the world to come. I acknowledge the authority of the Magisterium of the Holy Catholic Church in Rome, including Pope Francis and the bishops united to him. I affirm the entire deposit of faith without reservation. I believe in the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman and all human life, from conception to natural death, and I believe that we are all made in God's image as male and female. All parents or legal guardians participating in Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool must sign before the first day your family attends.Type Your Name for Signature(Required) First Last Date of Signature(Required)Please choose today's date MM slash DD slash YYYY SAFETY & PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN: Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool is dedicated to provide a safe and effective learning environment for our students. Each of our association members have undergone CPR training and a Protecting God's Children course. Emergency plans and first-aid supplies are made available to association members and kept on-site at all times. Students are to be under adult supervision at all times, both inside and outside our facilities. Also note, students are not to leave the building at any time unless they are signed out by a parent and/or leaving for the day. Each classroom must have two adults present at all times. An adult should never be left alone with a student unless that adult is that student's parent. The church will have additional security measures in place. The Door Monitors will be present at each door with a roster of all Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool families. They will cross-reference anyone attempting to enter. If you are a Door Monitor, do not be embarrassed to ask someone any questions about who they are and who they are waiting to see in the building. If you are unsure, lead them into the office and instruct them to wait for one of the association members. SECURITY POLICY: Absolutely no weapons or anything that can be regarded as a weapon whatsoever. Any violation could result in expulsion. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: We hold high standards for every individual attending our Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool Co-op program. Adults and fellow students must be treated with respect and kindness. They are to contribute to a positive learning environment by arriving at class on time and prepared to learn. This includes completing assignments with their best effort and in a timely manner. It is an expectation for all students to stay on track with lesson plans, regardless of attendance. All property onsite at our parish is to be treated with respect. There is to be no public displays of affection such as touching, kissing, and hand holding between students. PARENT EXPECTATIONS: While parents who enroll their children are not required to teach, we are dependent on their willingness to volunteer for other responsibilities. These can be completed through the following positions: Hall Monitor and Door Monitor (occasionally a teacher’s aide may be required), Floater, and Nursery. Parents select their preferred times/days after registration is submitted. Parents are urged to make the greatest effort to arrive on time to all classes so their students can benefit fully. If students arrive late, they will be asked to wait in the lobby with their parent until the next class subject begins. This is to ensure that all students can get the most out of their class with the fewest disruptions. Parents attending co-op will have to complete Protecting Gods Children before the start of the co-op on September 1, 2024. DRESS CODE: We ask that all parents honor our dress code policy of modest, respectful clothing without offensive images or verbiage. Great care should be taken to wear clothing that appropriately covers private areas such as buttocks, breasts, bellies, and backs. No shorts that are higher than 3” above the knees. No spandex, leggings, "spandex-like" pants without a long shirt to cover the crotch/buttocks area. All skirts must be no shorter than knee length. Students are required to wear one of the uniform combinations, either the t-shirt or polo for the tops. The Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool Association members reserve the right to determine what is appropriate. If something is questionable, please ask. DISCIPLINE POLICY: We believe every person should be respected. No bullying will be tolerated of any kind. If a student is not responding to their teacher’s request for improved behavior and/or effort, then one of the association members will be contacted. If undesirable behavior persists, then the student will be removed from the class and a parent will be called and/or located to discuss the situation. It is not fair to the teachers or the other students to have class disrupted due to behavior issues. Our goal is to see success among our students. Improvement of behavior is usually based on the motivation of the student and the assistance and support of the parents. If behavior does not improve, students/families may be prohibited from attending. These same behaviors are expected of all parents and family members. For any reason other than those mentioned, we reserve the right to restrict, suspend, or refuse enrollment in Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool classes or programs without reimbursement. If you see something happening, please tell us about it. It is our job to intervene and address the issues. We want you to enjoy your time with us and have a great experience. If anything is found concerning to a parent, please bring it to the attention of the association so that it can be addressed immediately. Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool welcomes all Catholic families who are willing to participate in our co-op program. Please keep in mind, the Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool Coop is teaching Chaldean Rite traditions/calendar and prayers. WELLNESS POLICY: Please keep family home if there has been a case of a fever, diarrhea or vomiting within the last 24 hours from anyone in the household. Family must be fever free WITHOUT medication for 24 hours before returning to classes. Or if they have a productive cough/cold, head lice, rash or green discharge from eyes/nose they should be kept home as well. Please keep the student home until it is determined that the student/family is free from illness. If your student arrives at Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool Coop and appears too ill to be in class, they will be asked to go home. If you find that you or your student is too ill to attend, please contact us via telegram group chat so we can fill your responsibility role. PLEASE LABEL ALL YOUR PERSONAL ITEMS: Things have a way of getting misplaced or lost and this will help us to get them back to you ASAP. This includes water bottles & articles of clothing. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make this a priority before attending classes. Parents are required to stay on-site while their students are in class. Rooms - It is very important that we work together to maintain the cleanliness of our classrooms. Maintaining the cleanliness of the classrooms is our shared responsibility. Teach your students to leave their rooms clean at all times. It is crucial that everyone contributes because other parish classes use the spaces we share with the church and others. If you see a bathroom is running low on something or is dirty, please let office staff know so we can address it. Students are NOT to have any personal electronic devices out during class. This means if the teacher sees it, they will ask the student to place it on the teacher’s desk for the remainder of class. No talking is allowed during lesson plans. All students enrolled in class need to be in class when in session. No wandering the building. If you are going to be absent or late, we are here to help. Text is preferable; when sending, please include the reason and your family name. Additionally, you can follow school closings via email, our private FB group, or telegram. All parents or legal guardians participating in Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool must sign before the first day your family attends.Signature of Parent(Required) First Last Date of Signature(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool Waiver and Release of Liability You must sign this “Waiver and Release Form” to participate in the Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool Cooperative. I, my children, and any of our representatives (hereafter referred to as "family") do hereby acknowledge that participation in the Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool Cooperative (hereafter referred to as Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool) could expose us to possible risk of personal injury or sickness. In consideration of my family being permitted to participate in Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool, I do hereby release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool and its members, directors, officers, governing body, administration, agents, sponsors, volunteers, property owners, or individuals/organizations permitting a Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool-sponsored activity from any and all liability for claims, damages, or injury, including costs and attorney’s fees, to my family or any personal property during the time of our attendance at Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool activities, whether or not such damages were sustained in connection to any Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool activities. I assume full responsibility for my family's behavior and for any damage or injury caused by my family's actions. I agree that my family shall not now, or at any time in the future, directly or indirectly, initiate or prosecute any action, suit, or other legal proceeding against Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool arising out of, relating to, or in connection with Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool. I expressly agree that this release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be broad and inclusive as permitted by the law of the State of Michigan and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. This release contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto and the terms of this release are contractual, and I sign it of my own free will.Please type your child(ren)'s FIRST and LAST name in the box below. We, the parent(s) or legal guardian of ________________________________ (17yrs. and under) do hereby give permission to participate in the classes and activities of Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool. All parents or legal guardians participating in Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool must sign before the first day your family attends.(Required)Please put all the childrens names in the box below. If more than one name please separate with a comma. Photographs and Videos Consent(Required)I consent to my children being photographed or filmed during the Our Lady of Wisdom Homeschool program. I understand that these images may be used for educational and promotional purposes and may be shared on the school’s public social media platforms. Yes, I give permission for my children to be photographed or filmed No, I do not give permission for my children to be photographed or filmed Signature Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Please click on today's date Medical WaiverMedical Waiver FormPlease click Add Entry and fill out the form for each child separately Name Student's Date of Birth Age Mother/Guardian Name Mother/Guardian Cell Phone Father/Guardian Name Father/Guardian Cell Phone Address Medical Insurance Carrier Group Number List All Medications Taken Regularly List Any Allergies If allergies, does student have an Epipen? Physician's Name Physician's Phone Number Are there any concerns that CCH or medical care professionals should be aware of Alternate Emergency Contact Name (Not Parents): Emergency Contact Phone Number Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Signature for Accuracy(Required) First Last Date of Signature(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Coupon Code (if you have one)Total Credit Card(Required) American ExpressDiscoverMasterCardVisaSupported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa Card Number Expiration Date Month Month010203040506070809101112 Year Year20252026202720282029203020312032203320342035203620372038203920402041204220432044 Security Code Cardholder Name Δ