March for Life 2024

This year, just like every other year, our diocese attended March for Life in Washington D.C., advocating for the sanctity of life and the unborn! The trip was led by Bishop Francis Kalabat, Fr. Rodney Abasso, Fr. John Jaddou, and Fr. Marcus Shammami, along with a large group of people from all parishes within our diocese and from parishes in California and Arizona as well. Along with thousands of others, our group peacefully prayed and protested for the lives of all the unborn.

On Thursday, January 18, Bishop Francis celebrated Mass at Immaculate Conception Church, where confessions were heard after Mass and Eucharistic adoration took place afterwards. On Friday, January 19, Mass was celebrated at St. Dominic Catholic Church and our group prayed the rosary on our way to the march. On Saturday, January 20, His Excellency, along with Fr. Rodney Abasso, celebrated one final Mass in the Immaculate Heart of Mary chapel at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

We continue to pray fervently to Mother Mary to intercede on behalf of all the unborn children; let us continue to pray for an end to abortion everywhere! 

To view photos from the March:

The Feast of the Epiphany (Denha)

Feast Day of the Epiphany of The Lord (Denha)

Epiphany Pic

Each year on January 6, we celebrate the Feast Day of the Epiphany of our Lord Jesus, also known as Denha.

 This feast day commemorates Jesus’ baptism and the manifestation of His divinity. The term “Epiphany” is derived from the Greek word meaning “manifestation” or “appearance.” It symbolizes the revelation of Jesus as the Son of God and the Savior of humanity. 

The Epiphany also holds deep significance in the context of Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. Despite John being reluctant to be the one to baptize Jesus, Jesus insisted that he do it. This signifies his identification with humanity and the beginning of his public ministry. As Jesus emerged from the water, the heavens opened, and the Spirit of God descended upon him like a dove, accompanied by a voice from heaven declaring, “This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) 

The baptism of Jesus serves as a pivotal moment in His life, showing His obedience to God’s plan and the affirmation of His divine nature. Further, it symbolizes purification, initiation, and a commissioning for His mission to redeem humanity. 

As we start this new year, let us celebrate this feast day with an open heart and an open mind. This feast day should serve as a reminder to all of us of the light and hope that Jesus brings to humanity. Lord, hear our prayers! 

Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary


Every year on December 8, we celebrate the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

The Immaculate Conception is a Catholic Dogma that states that Mary, whose conception was brought about the normal way, was conceived without the stain of original sin; which is what the word “Immaculate” means – without stain. Quite often, the meaning of the Immaculate Conception gets misunderstood. Some people think the term refers to Christ’s conception, while others believe it means that Mary was conceived “by the power of the Holy Spirit”, but both of those are incorrect. 

Luke 1:28: “And coming to her, he said, “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.” In this verse, the angel Gabriel greets Mary by saying, “Greetings, you are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” This indicates that Mary is someone who has received God’s grace and favor in a profound way. She is being chosen for a special and significant role, which is to be the mother of Jesus. The verse is often seen as a recognition of Mary’s purity, faithfulness, and favor with the Lord, making her a fitting vessel for the divine conception and birth of Jesus.

It is important to note that the Immaculate Conception doesn’t mean that Mary didn’t need salvation – rather, she was saved in a more perfect manner by being prevented from original sin rather than needing to be cleansed from it. 

On this beautiful feast day, let us celebrate and meditate upon the purity and holiness of our Mother. Mother Mary, pray for us and watch over us! 

Update on Baghdeda Fire Relief Efforts

Through second collections done at all our parishes within the diocese, we have collected an incredible $130,000 towards the victims involved in the Baghdeda wedding fire. As promised, $20,000 has already been sent to address urgent needs. Of this, $5,000 went to a hospital in Duhok for vital medication, $5,000 to provide food for the families of the victims, and $10,000 for essential medical equipment. We have also been in contact with Priests in Baghdeda, who have informed us that they are not in immediate need of assistance.

However, the impact of the fire is far-reaching. Many families have lost their breadwinners, and they may require financial support in the future. Additionally, the traumatic events have taken a toll on the mental well-being of the community, and psychological care will be essential. 

Rest assured, every dollar collected will be directed towards meeting the evolving needs arising from the Baghdeda fire. We are committed to standing by our brothers and sisters during this challenging time. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. 

March for Life 2024

Registration for the March for Life 2024 in Washington DC is now open! 

Join our Diocese and the Office of Life as we march alongside thousands of others, peacefully praying and protesting for the protection and dignity of our unborn brothers and sisters. 

This year, the theme is “With every woman, for every child.” Together, we march for life and together, we can make a difference. 

Please visit for more information! 

International Chaldean Convention (ICC)

Get ready and save the date! The first ever International Chaldean Convention will take place next year in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Visit to learn more! Registration coming this winter. 

Sub-Diaconate Ordination & Lector Installation

Join us on Sunday, December 17, 2023 at 12:30 pm for the Sub-Diaconate Ordination of Seminarian Joseph Nannoshi and Lector Installation of Seminarians Lucian Gumma and Brandon Elias. Mass will be celebrated at 12:30 pm at Mart Mariam Chaldean Catholic Church in Northbrook, IL. 

November: Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory

November: Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory

The month of November is dedicated to the holy souls in purgatory. The souls in purgatory are on the path of purification and they rely on the prayers and intercessions of the living. Let us remember these souls with compassion and empathy, understanding that they await the final purification to enter into heaven. In praying for the souls in purgatory, we not only fulfill an act of charity, but we also deepen our understanding of God’s infinite love and mercy for each and every one of us. 

This month, let us offer all our prayers, Masses, and acts of charity on behalf of all the souls in purgatory, that they may be lead to Heaven and have eternal life with God.