Profession of Perpetual Vows

Please pray for our two brothers in San Diego who will profess their final vows in the Chaldean order of monks known as the Sons of the Covenant. May God continue to enrich our beautiful sister diocese of St. Peter in San Diego with vocations to the religious life and priesthood.

Message from Bishop Francis Kalabat regarding Fr. Andrew Seba

A Message from Bishop Francis Kalabat

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is with a heavy heart that I have accepted Rev. Andrew Seba’s decision to leave active ministry.

God has a plan for each and every one of us, and while sometimes we may not know or understand His plan, we must accept and embrace it. Please pray for him during this time of transition.

On behalf of the Chaldean Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle of the USA, we are all grateful for his service to our community and what he has contributed to our local church.

Please continue to pray for all our clergy, seminarians, and all those discerning priesthood and religious life.

May God continue to bless you always.

Bishop Francis Y. Kalabat

St. Thomas the Apostle
Chaldean Catholic Eparchy, U.S.A.

Families in Harmony

Bishop Francis and the parent group “Families in Harmony” had two extremely dedicated and detailed nights of spiritual guidance and discussion about the rights for all parents with student children.  Please take a look below for the two nights of discussion.

Families in Harmony at St. Thomas

Families in Harmony at St. George

Eucharistic Adoration & Rosary Prayer for Unity in Families


In honor of the six apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Fatima, which occurred on the 13th of every month between May and October, our Diocese has encouraged everyone to attend Eucharistic Adoration for one hour and to pray the Holy Rosary. Each month is dedicated to a different cause.

This month, please join us on Sunday, August 13, in praying the Rosary for Unity in Families. Come, pray the Rosary, or sit with Jesus at any of our parish chapels:

• Holy Martyrs Church – Open 24 Hours

• Mother of God Cathedral – Open 24 Hours (Click below to sign up for MOG adoration only)

• Our Lady of Perpetual Help – Open 24 Hours

• St. George – Open 24 Hours

• St. Joseph Church – Open 24 Hours

• St. Thomas Church – Open 24 Hours

• Mart Mariam Church – Open 24 Hours

Please take a picture, tag the Diocese on their social media at @chaldeandiocese, and use the hashtag #Rosaries4UnityInFamilies to share your prayers with everyone.

Contact the Chancery with any questions at (248) 351-0440 or email us at [email protected]